Sunday, January 29, 2012

January: Bike Rides and Sleigh Rides

I'm still here. Even though I've been on a hiatus from my blog lately. The last few weeks have been even more busy than usual. I feel like that's always how my blog entries start. "I've been busy," but it is true. Our big news... is that we now have two THREE year olds! What?! I can't believe it! We're using it as much to our advantage as possible "Ya know, 3 year olds don't wear diapers' or '3 year olds don't do this, and they do that..' etc... We'll see how long that works out for us. I'm going to guess not for too long.
Since I'm oh... about a month behind, I will rewind a few weeks. Before it became winter over night and we had a bunch of snow dumped on us, we were actually having a beautiful January. The kids were able to ride their bikes outside -
Emma really started to get the hang of it. They got them for Christmas, and when they were trying to ride on Christmas day, Emma would get SO frustrated every time she tried that it wound end in a meltdown. But she is doing much better!

Family dinner date night... my favorite! I love spending a Friday or Saturday night with my little family, going to dinner (having a night off from cooking) and enjoying the company of my favorites.

The kids are really into getting sprite if we go out to dinner, in 'big kid cups', or 'Brite' as they call it.

They usually like to color while we're waiting for dinner. This was Emma's drawing of a person. A smiley face with legs and arms, and notice the arms have some fingers at the end... and the smiley face has a little hair. She also attempted shoes. We thought it was pretty impressive! And, since this is sort of our 'virtual' scrapbook/memory book... I thought I'd throw it on here.

Emma and Drew like to take pictures with my iphone. So, Drew actually took those pictures of him and I. Not too bad! At least he got us both in the picture!

I found Drew in his room playing IN the diaper box....  Something about boxes, these kids LOVE them. They like getting in them, pushing and pulling each other around in them.

Andrews parents and sister came in for a long weekend for Emma and Drew's birthday. The big # 3!
(Birthday post coming next)
His parents had just made it in the day before, and then Friday it decided to become the Chicago winter we are used to and dumped several inches of snow on us!
When I got home, I bundled the munchkins up in warm snow gear and we went out to play in it! Play in the 'no' as they would say. Neither of them pronounce the 'S' at the beginning of snow for some reason.
These were actually their brand new heavy winter jackets from 'Marney' (my Nanny) that she had just sent them as part of their birthday present. So they were able to try them out right away!

I was playing around with some photo editing on a couple of these...

Em kept picking up handfuls of snow and throwing it up in the air.

Emma & Papou

Drew was so excited to sled that he literally sled out of our garage and down the driveway! You can see his tracks. He hit the ground slidin'!

Such a girl. More concerned about the snow stuck to her gloves than anything else.

Papou multitasking - pulling the sled and on his phone! He was probably trying to make sure that Amy's flight was going to get in that night. That was a close call.... She wound up getting detoured to St. Louis and had to wait there for a few hours until they felt they could get back up in the air and land in Chicago.

Drew is definitely our snow kid out of the two of them. Emma is much more hesitant when it comes to snow and sleds, etc...
Emma was ready to go inside and was cold and Drew probably could have stayed out there much longer.

We brought them inside, got into warm and cozies and had a snack.

Drew watching TV with his Papou.

We can't wait to have another good snow day to try out their new sleds and snow tubes that they got at their birthday party! They actually got a few really neat sleds and tubes... I am pretty excited about it myself. ;-)

Coming up next... The Big Birthday!
By the way... I would also like to say, that last year my resolution was to blog, and to keep it up on a somewhat usual basis to be able to keep track of what we've done through out the year and how the kids evolve, change and grow. Boom! A New Years resolution that I stuck to!! A Success.
It was really for our close family and freinds that don't live local, to be able to easily keep up with the kids, as this stage of their lives they change so quickly and do new things every day. And the last I looked we had something like 8 or 9000 page views.

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