Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Valentines

I love my Valentines - my big Valentine, and my little Valentines.

We baked and decorated heart cookies for Valentines Day.

Emma has gotten really good at cookie cutters.

So, in this picture above - one of the cookies is Drew's contribution. The rest were Emma's. Can you tell which one is his?! He is such a little boy. But he's my little boy, and I love him. As usual when we're baking, Emma is pretty serious with her cookie cutting and decorating and he's throwin' flour around the kitchen, playing with the dough... and then is over it and off playing with his trucks within a few minutes.

This picture makes me laugh... Emma is very into smiley faces lately, so every time she gets a hold of a pen or a crayon or whatever, the first thing she does is start to draw smiley faces. So while I was swapping a batch of cookies from the oven Emma made a smiley face out of the cookie dough: Do you see it in the heart cut out?

Decorating the cookies

And... Our finished product!

Presents for my little Valentines

And, beautiful roses from my Valentine!

My babes. Friday night family dinner date night.

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