Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcoming a New Year. Happy 2012!

Happy New Year!! (I'm a week or so late, but... as always, my excuse is - busy.)
Reflecting on 2011, We are fortunate enough to say that it was overall a pretty good year. Aside from a few standard bumps in the road along the way, this year provided us with great opportunities, the creation of lasting memories, lots of laughs and giggles, family time spent together, and we have learned so much from our kids. Here's to hoping that 2012 brings all of us a year equally as enjoyable and fortunate!
Life is what you make of it. Regardless of the circumstances, you are responsible for your reaction, attitude, outlook and approach to each situation you encounter. You can choose to make your own experiences as enjoyable and memorable as you wish.
So for a little catching up where I left off...
The last two weeks of the year I spent a few days at home with the kids. It was a mixture of a day or so off, a few days working from home, a few days in the office... but it was nice. One of the days we met friends of ours at 'Monkey Joes', one of the indoor play places that the kids love to go to.
Emma after coming down the big slide.
She surprised me, every chance she got she would run to the back to this huge slide and go down it with no fear - with all of the older kids. There weren't any kids her age doing that slide.

Here comes Drewbie!


Aside from Emma being a little out of focus in this one, I love what's going on in the background. Drew and Ciera are laughing hysterically.
It was good to see them.. they actually moved to Michigan in the last year and were back visiting for the holidays so we were able to get the kiddos together.

For New Years Eve, Andrew and I had a hotel room downtown, we went to dinner and then went to the House of Blues to ring in the new year! The kids spent the night with my parents. They went out to dinner with them and then had a sleep over.

The view from our hotel room -
and, in the other direction -

The balloon drop at midnight

And, my munchkins out to dinner with Mimi & Pop...

New Years day we went with friends of ours to the Syracuse/DePaul basketball game.

For Christmas one of Emma and Drews presents from our nanny were these castles.
 They were able to color them and put stickers on them... and they had a blast playing with them while it lasted. Unfortunately since they consumed a good part of our living room we couldn't keep them forever. Plus even though they were made of pretty sturdy cardboard these kids did a number on them over the course of a week or so. But it was really funny to listen to them playing with them. They would invite one another into their own little houses. Sometimes they would pretend it was a restaurant and take eachothers orders.

Monday (The day after New Years day) Andrew and I both took the day off and had a 'fun day' with the kids. Most companies had Monday off... And actually I believe most of our company did but not us. Due to the nature of insurance claims, the days that most companies have off sometimes end up being our busiest; and at the very least require us to be available.
We actually took the day off as a 'recuperation' type of day because our week and weekend especially was so busy that we figured we would need that one extra day before going back. But who were we kidding?! Recuperation or relaxation with 2 toddlers?! Ha.Ha.
But that's ok. We had a fun day. We took the kids to RainForest Cafe. We thought that would be fun for them at their age. Unfortunately we didn't realize that it was the last day before schools went back from winter break so it was slightly INSANE but thats ok!

In the car

It was really really cold that day. They were bundled up!

Making eachother giggle.

So we got there and there was an hour wait. An hour?! Seriously. But, whatever. It's attached to a huge mall so we had something to do to kill time. I absolutely hate those kids play areas in the middle of malls. Not only are they obnoxious (and can just about give anyone a migraine after hanging around it for more than a minute) but I have a feeling they are germ infested. I usually avoid them at all costs. But for some reason that day, we let them play in it. Ick. It was so insane I could barely keep track of where both of my kids were at all times.

It was raining behind our table for the majority of the time we were eating... specifically behind my chair. So I wound up getting kinda wet. The kids thought it was really cool. They were a little bit apprehensive about the thunder and lightning. When one of the thunderstorms ended Drew said "well... that wasn't so bad."

Its funny to hear some of the things they come out with. Yesterday Drew was jumping on his bed and I came in and told him to stop, and his response 'Well... That is going to be a problem."
I also overheard Emma and Drew talking yesterday and she was bossing him around (as always) and then it ended with 'Drew... do you 'stand me?' I'm assuming it was 'do you understand' but it was just funny.
Drew is also into the -'I've ever seen!' to the end of statements. For example 'That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Or 'Thats the biggest I've ever seen!"
They say so many funny things every day and I really should start writing them down because we laugh so hard when it happens but then I forget a few days later.
This morning I was asking them what they wanted for breakfast and Drew said he wanted fruit snacks. I told him he couldn't have fruit snacks for breakfast... but maybe later after breakfast I would consider it. He wanted to know why he couldn't... I proceeded to tell him that he can't put fruit snacks into his belly first thing in the morning, he needed breakfast first. His response was "Why? Because then I'll turn into a monster??"
Yeah. Seriously. Where do they get this stuff? Scooby Doo was on last night and Emma continued to assure me that 'the ghosts were just 'retend' they are not real. Just 'retend' ok mom? So no be scared.'

We were hanging out one night watching TV... getting ready to head up to bed and Drew said 'Hey Em, let's take hugs.' and they hugged. It was cute. Poor Drew is on his tippies and still trying to reach her. Emma has definitely sprouted over the last several months.
In just two short weeks, I will have THREE year olds! Where does time go?!


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