Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Kalivas Christmas...

Well... Christmas is over. Is everyone exhausted?! Because this lady is. It is one of my favorite times of the year, and definitely my favorite holiday but this year was just crazy busy. It was fun though. Santa was good to all of us, and the kids had fun.
We went to visit Santa last week... (which was more successful than last year.)
I thought I would do a little comparison line up of our Santa pictures over the years...
Last year was a riot. Emma would NOT put her tongue in her mouth and Drew cried. This year Emma was really chatty with Santa. Drew was a little bit apprehensive, so Emma did a lot of his talking for him. There was a lot being said during the photo session so I had Andrew go have a quick chat with Santa after to make sure we didn't miss anything important.

After visiting Santa, we went to visit good friends of ours to hang out, let the kids play, have pizza and relax.  They love playing with each other.

Emma looks like she's so much older standing next to them, but... nope!

Emma making something for Santa on Christmas Eve morning

We had Christmas Eve at our house with family...

Aunt ChaCha & Matts gift for Emma and Drew. A new benz!

Cruisin' the block

Emma and Pop

On Christmas day after tearing through what Santa brought to our house... we went to my parents.

Emma and Drew got their first little bikes!! 
Drew caught on pretty quickly.
He was having a good time riding around.

Emma on the other hand... Well.... she had some issues. She just needs a little practice and I'm sure she'll be up and riding in no time! But she was really frustrated by it and every time she got on the bike it would end in a meltdown.

The girls

Emma & Mimi

My family. I am a lucky lady.

Emma and her new barbie mansion. I remember having the same one (Well, 20 something years ago) But same concept. However, Emma's version has a toilet that flushes, lights that turn on, a fireplace that lights up and crackels, etc... It's pretty high tech. Mine definitely did not do all of that. But it has the same elevator that mine had! Oh, and mine didn't come with a cell phone and a laptop for barbie either.

Drew's car track with remote control cars from the 'Cars' movie. His fave.
Pretty much everything Drew got this year had to do with cars in some way, whether it was a car itself, or something with cars on it. Well, not his tool set. But pretty close.

Em & her Mimi

My love. At the end of a loonnnggg day. (I was already in my jammies.) LOVE my new vickie secret flannels! (Andrew obviously wasn't being completely cooperative with the photos but this was the best I could get.)

Emma, still playing dolls later that night in her jammies.
When Andrews parents were here a few weeks ago they gave the kids an early Christmas present - this 'city' rug which has roads, bridges, buildings... hospital, construction zone for Drews tractors, a fire station, gas station, car wash.... It is a really neat idea. They love it! (And I love it, because they can play with it and I can just roll it up and it doesn't take extra space!) But there has been little rolling it up so far because it is used daily. Now Drew has real roads to drive all of his cars on instead of my roads drawn on poster size paper. YiaYia & Papou also gave us Gap gift cards for clothes for the kids... Thank you yia yia and papou!! Mommy appreciates those when new seasons roll around and all new clothes are needed!

Santa was very good to me also... I got a new iphone!
Some of my favorite perfumes that I ran out of (I have several perfumes that I like to use, and for some reason I wound up running out of most of them right around the same time. Which rarely ever happens.) So between my birthday and Christmas I loaded back up on perfumes and a brand new one! And lots of other fun stuff. Shauna got us a digital photo frame that also does videos... that was cool. I don't have one of those, and I'm excited because it will be a much easier way for me to keep up with displaying pictures. I take a zillion pictures, and to actually have prints made and frame them to put up never quite happens.

Holidays are so much fun through the eyes of little kids. I love reliving holiday traditions with my kids and my own family. It makes it so much more exciting and enjoyable.

In my last blog entry I mentioned that next on our holiday baking checklist were cake bites. And, we did make them...
I think they came before the 'cake pop' - - Similar concept, just a little smaller and they aren't on a stick.
I made vanilla cake balls dipped in chocolate, and then we also did chocolate cake dipped in white chocolate. YUM!
The holidays are definitely not good for the waistline or my butt. Although I do try to be conscious of it. Everything is ok in moderation? Maybe?

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