Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chicago - A Day in the City

My cousin Will is in town this weekend visiting. The kids love it when he comes... because he likes to play with them. (And he gives in to carrying Emma around all the time, so she likes that.)
Yesterday we went into the city. This is probably going to be one of those 'picture blogs' because I took a lot of pictures.
We brought the kids to check out the lights and decorations and stuff. My dad wanted to check out a German fest they had going on also. And we went over to Millennium park and watched the ice skaters for a bit, let the kids have fun with the 'bean', walked around for a little bit and then Andrew and I headed home with the kids and stopped for dinner on the way home.
We were all going to try to do dinner in the city but it was tough with the kids, everywhere had a wait and they were cold, so we started to drive home and went somewhere that wasn't as crazy and let the rest of them stay down there. I just knew having the kids wait 40+ minutes just to get a table wasn't going to be fun for any of us.

We brought the little folding strollers, because we figured our huge double stroller would have been obnoxious trying to maneuver through the crowds, but I hate the little ones. I think I would have rather dealt with the obnoxiousness of the big stroller to have the real tires and easier glide.

Emma and her fishies.

Drew gettin a lift with his Pop

Emma & Cousin Will

My beautiful Mother!

Drew & Pop having a serious conversation. Drew had a lot to say.

Horse & Carriage

Michigan Avenue

The 'Bean' in Millennium Park

Em & Drew checking themselves out in the bean

I love this one of Drew. He looks so tiny... and then you can see the reflection of the skyline at the top

Watching the ice skaters

Andrew & The kids at dinner:

These pictures make me laugh.

They have fun with their dad

This morning Emma and I went on a breakfast run... Andrew was craving an omelet from a breakfast place up the street so we called it in and took a quick ride. I'm glad I did... it was breathtaking outside. Every single branch on every tree was covered in snow/frost or ice, and the sun was shining. It was beautiful.
Our neighborhood looked like a winter wonderland


  1. Great pictures, Lauren. Looks like you guys are really making the most of the holiday. Merry Christmas to your sweet family! xo

  2. Thanks for sharing! Really beautifual pics. I love the ones with Andrew and the kids laughing at the end. So sweet.
