Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One Step at a Time

Yesterday Emma had some follow up appointments. We're looking good!! The doctors were really pleased with her improvement. Both visually, her demeanor and energy, as well as her lab results. She still has a ways to go to reach 'normal', but she is drastically improving, and moving in the right direction. Our little fighter.

She took a snooze on our way home.

Some of her numbers and facts - -
A few of the levels they have been monitoring closely, her Creatinine levels, which measure how well the kidneys are functioning. Normal for her age is .5, at one point Emma was at 1.8. She is currently back down to .6.... So, that's quite some improvement!!
Sed rate (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) reveals inflammation/infection in the body. It is more or less an infection indicator. Normal is below 20. At one point Emma's was exceeding 120, but we didn't know the actual number because they only measure up to 120. So, basically; she was off the scales. Currently she is under 80. So, well on her way in that area. But, some room for improvement.
And, CRP (C-reactive protein) again, an infection indicator in the blood. Normal is below .3, she was at 32 in the hospital, and is currently at 1.4; So really good improvement there also.
They are really pleased with her current lab results, her numbers have improved/dropped quicker than they anticipated. We will continue her IV antibiotics for at least another week and they will test her blood again Monday, and we will find out Tuesday where we stand after another week. She may even be able to have her PICC line removed next week!! But, I'm not rushing it... we will do whatever we need to do to get her 100% better, if that means keeping her on the IV longer. I'm actually getting quite efficient at it!

Yesterday, on our way to the hospital we stopped to have lunch with daddy.

She was very busy coloring her menu.

We've all been battling a cold. Me especially... I actually think I started this one, unfortunately. Usually the kids give it to us. Well this time, I spread the love!
I am just beyond tired, haven't been sleeping well, have a lot going on - - a little on the stressed out side and spent a long time hanging out in a hospital, so I'm not surprised it caught up to me.
I actually think I was less stressed out while we were in the hospital because I just put life on hold completely. And really didn't think about much other than Emma, her tests, results, and day to day hospital stuff trying to get her stable. But now that I'm home and back to work, and have to deal with life catching up to me, it's a whole different ball game! Emma is obviously still the priority and her improvement is where our focus is, but life does have to go on.
So for now we're just taking things one step at a time, one day at a time....

Since we've been home...

Andrews parents stayed a few more days after we were discharged from the hospital.

Emma reading with Papou

Drew reading with Papou

Our families and friends were SO helpful during all of this, and we are extremely appreciative and grateful for that. But there is also a large part of me that finds peace in knowing that we are at a place now that we can manage everything on our own again. (for the most part) My mom has been taking Drew when I have appointments for Emma, and  we have Brianne (our nanny) back to her regular schedule.

We went to my parents on Sunday for football and dinner.
One of Emma's new favorite things to do is help my mom make cookies

Helping stir

Pop sneaking her a taste!

My Bears Boys!

Bears didn't do so well last weekend. Oh well...Can't win 'em all!

On Saturday we went to the BMW Golf Tournament. It was such a beautiful day, the weather was perfect, clear blue skies... not too hot, and not cool. It was really nice.
We have gone the last few years, it's a fun day out. (I will admit that I really just go because we have access to the BMW VIP tents which makes it a much more enjoyable day.) They have lunch, drinks, comfy chairs to sit and watch. We also walked around a bit too - and happened to be walking on a path RIGHT where a ball landed - and what do you know? It was the leader group, so we were on TV. All of the camera guys came running over.

Getting ready for Fall. I haven't pulled most of my decorations out yet - but I started with a few things.
I put this out on the front porch.

I'm still trying to think of cute ideas for Emma & Drew for Halloween. I did get a few good ideas when I brought it up last...  But I'm still debating.
Where has time gone? I was at Costco this weekend and they have Christmas stuff out!! WHAT?! in September? Which reminds me, I have a birthday next week! That snuck up on me a little bit, considering what the month of September has graced us with.

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