Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Pool Days...

I hope everyone is having a fun, relaxing, (whatever it is that is good for you) weekend. We are!! We are enjoying the beautiful weather and Summer pool days.

How do you like Emma's new swim suit? I finally was able to take time yesterday just to focus on getting the kids new summer clothes, swim suits, etc... It was fun!

Daddy says no bikini's for Emma... but I thought this one was modest enough. He wasn't particularly thrilled, but look at the ones I actually wanted to get!
Aren't they so stinkin' cute?! I loved them!! I guess they are a little skimpy for a 2 year old, but I just thought they were adorable... But, I knew Andrew wouldn't be in agreement, so I sadly put them back on the rack. =(
Maybe some day.

While Emma was able to get a little alone time out at the pool with all of mommy and daddy, Cha-cha and mimi and pops attention - Drew  napped. (Which is really what Emma should have been doing, but these days she's been thinking she's too cool for naps.)

We try to give them their own alone time as much as possible, because I think they really need it. They are together constantly. For the most part they get along and have fun together, but I know they enjoy their alone time.
Once he finished snoozin', he joined us at the pool.

Emma swimming with Mimi.

We topped our day at the pool off with burgers on the grill. Perfect summer day! I'm SO glad summer has finally decided to arrive. Now I just hope it sticks around a little later this year since it took it's sweet time getting here this year.

So far, all of the pictures on my blog have been from my phone, or pictures that my mom took and sent to me. But last weekend we bought a really nice camera - so hopefully my picture quality should be a bit better moving forward! But first we need to get the program onto the computer to be able to upload the pictures... and, more importantly, I need to remember to bring it around with me. It's just a lot easier to whip out my phone right when I want to catch something in a picture. So we'll see how it goes. I'm excited though, because we took a few test pictures and the quality is really great, and it still captures the kids when they are moving around a little bit. Because god knows they do not stand still for .02 seconds at a time and 95% of the pictures on my phone end up being a big blur.
Hopefully I'll get on that and be able to start posting those pictures on here soon instead.

Coming up next in the life of the Krazy Kalivas' : Our (plane) trip out to visit Andrews parents. We're spending a few days in Salt Lake City, and a few days in Wyoming visiting family.
I'm only slightly nervous about the whole plane thing with 2 two year olds. But I'm sure they will do fine!  
Since we've had the kids, we have been driving instead of flying. Mainly for the convenience of it since we have a double stroller, car seats, golf clubs, luggage, etc... And that just gives me a headache thinking about trying to manage that with the kids through an airport. But this year, we don't need as much "Stuff" now that they are a little bigger, so we are going for it!!

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