Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Every time we asked the kids what they wanted to be for Halloween, their mutual answer was 'ghostez.' I had to continue to convince them that maybe they wanted to be something else? I'm sure 'ghostez' would have been fun for them, but to be honest I didn't want to be the mom that threw a white sheet or pillow case over them with 2 eye holes and called it a Halloween costume. But they probably would have been completely content. So, we eventually landed on gnomes. As in, garden gnomes. They really like the movie 'Gnomio & Juliet' which is their only perception of a gnome. Although Emma referred to herself as 'Gnomiet.'

having a piece of candy before we even leave home. I left a bowl of candy at the door and Emma did some trick or treating from our bowl before even leaving.

So, we did some trick or treating in our neighborhood first....

They had so much fun. Initially they wanted me to open every piece of candy immediately so they could eat it upon leaving each and every house. But that quickly got to be a little too much. They had SO much sugar last night I'm really surprised they weren't up all night with bad little tummies. I was definitely anticipating that. Although I did cut them off at one point for the remainder of the night for that reason.

Going around our neighborhood:

Gnomio & Juliet and Mama Witch!

I just loved Emma's face in the picture above. She was really pleased with whatever it was that was just given to her. They usually don't get candy, so they were in heaven!! (And they probably actually thought they would get to eat it all too! ;)

Brianne stayed when we got home from work and came with us around our neighborhood. Brianne ( B-Ann as the kids call her) is our nanny... I guess it's been about a year since we found her and she is wonderful! We all love her!

So they did a little bit around our neighborhood, until they started to get tired and trip over their own feet (which really didn't take that long to happen) We had a few wipe outs. Luckily no injuries. 
Then we took a little break, and a short car ride over to my parents... and went to just a couple of their neighbors houses. It was actually pretty funny, all of the parents on their street were walking around with their big wine glasses as their kids ran up and down the driveways. (One woman actually had the whole bottle of wine in her baby stroller!!!) I guess she didn't want to risk running out and having to walk back to her house?

And then... we made visits to a few family friends so that they could see the gnomes. 

Opening their Halloween gifts from JoJo (Spoiled little gnomes.)

Visiting Teresa

It was a pretty long day/night. What do you call totally beyond exhausted? Because I was that.
I was so tired, and hungry. But it was fun... and the kids had a blast. A MUCH more successful Halloween than last year (The flu completely wiped out our entire house last Halloween)
Although, when we left I left the bowl of candy out on the front porch with a little note that we were out trick or treating and to take a piece of candy. We got home and not only did someone take all of the candy AND the bowl, but also threw Emma's little pumpkin in the driveway! So sad... Apparently the teenagers (little shits) made their rounds later in the night after the little kids. Or at least I hope the little kids got candy first before they did that.

I thought it would be fun to do a little comparison from past Halloweens:

We hope everyone had a fun and exciting Halloween!! It's crazy that we are already in November! Christmas is right around the corner. (Which means this little elf has got to get busy!)


  1. Aw Lauren, those comparison shots are soooo cute!

  2. Thanks Amy! I thought it would be fun to compare - now that we are starting to have multiple years of pictures for the holidays.
    See you soon!!
