Friday, November 18, 2011

... Enjoy the Little Things...

So... where did I leave off? No surprise, we've been busy! Last weekend Andrew and I had a date night and went out for dinner to one of our favorite Italian spots. Sunday we went to the Bears/Lions game at Soldier field. We had great seats (Row 3 right behind the end zone) - my pictures aren't great, because they were on my phone... but oh well.

Bears Touchdown!!!

Bears running off the field at the half.
It was actually a really good game to watch - they did great.

Soldier Field at night

Soldier Field reflecting on the Harbor

Skyline over Lake Michigan

We had a few follow up appointments for Emma this week. When she was in the hospital she had surgery to have a stint put in and now I want it taken out. They can stay in for a long time, but if it is no longer serving a purpose I would think a foreign object in the body isn't ideal. On Wednesday we went to see her kidney specialist and the surgeon for a consultation. The kidney doctor said schedule the surgery to have it removed and a few weeks after they will run a few tests on her to determine whether any procedures are necessary. We moved on to the urologist/surgeons office and sat there for a good couple of hours before she decided that she didn't want to take it out. I guess her reason made sense... she said since there are still missing pieces to the puzzle as to why Emma got so sick so quickly and she isn't 100% certain that if she removes the stint we won't wind up back in the same situation, in the hospital with her kidneys failing. She doesn't believe that this would be the case, but to be on the safe side.... She indicated that she first wants to wait until after the holidays and she wants to have specialists and surgeons lined up and ready just in case anything happens once she removes the stint. (The stint is currently holding a canal open wider than it naturally would, so she wants to be sure it doesn't close or create blockage when she removes it.) And we are also in agreement with that but we want to make sure if there is something wrong that we aren't just delaying the inevitable. So we are looking at early 2012. Other than that, they were very pleased with her progress and how healthy and energetic she was.
Once all was said and done, we spent the better part of 5 or 6 hours in specialist and surgeons offices on Wednesday. I was home that day but Andrew met us at the first doctor and came with us to the next as well.
She took a little snooze on the way there -

With Daddy

Playing in the wagon while she was waiting for her appointment.

Why I love this time of year....
Is it worth the winters we have to endure though? I haven't decided yet.
We do have beautiful seasons.

I've been looking for new fun ways to make sandwiches for the kids - -
This was Emma's yesterday. Heart sandwiches on a snowman plate. Yeah, I'm that mom.
Andrew thinks I'm crazy.

And, I mentioned in my last entry that I wanted to make these with the kids - and I did.
(Mini Nilla wafers with banana slices in between and rolled in sprinkles.)

and... the example picture -
Nilla wafers + banana slices + peanut butter + sprinkles = bite-sized treat.....change sprinkle colors to match the for Halloween, red and green for Christmas, blue and white for Hanukkah
Ok, so maybe theirs looked better. But I bet they didn't enlist the help of two 2 year olds!

A few pictures of my little man the other morning....

These little munchkins are my whole world.
We are definitely going through a stubborn phase with them, and they are testing their boundaries and learning how to challenge us SO very well... but they are still my everything. My worst day with them is still better than my best day when I'm not with them.


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