Monday, November 21, 2011

A Jammies day, waffled cinnamon buns and baking cookies

I love baking, or experimenting with cooking really yummy things (as in, highly caloric, not-so-healthy things) but I don't do it much anymore just because Andrew doesn't like it around the house, and I don't have much time to do it either. I don't even care if I eat the stuff... and typically I don't. I just like to make it. Plus, have you ever noticed if you spend a lot of time cooking something you have no interest in eating it once all is said and done - it's almost like you feel like you already have after standing around it for so long. But, we generally eat pretty healthy around our house, so I'm always trying to come up with new healthy recipes, or figure out how to 'healthify' existing recipes.
This weekend, all of that went to hell in a hand basket. I made one of my old go-to favorites (a pasta bake) and did some baking.
I was actually making dinner for friends of ours one night to help them out with something and decided to do the pasta bake, so I made two and kept one for us.
(I cook the pasta like usual, but just a few minutes less than you normally would since it cooks a little more while it bakes. I sometimes put meat in it, sometimes I don't. Either ground sirloin or sausage... Brown the meat and add it to the pasta sauce. Combine the pasta with the sauce/meat mixture, spread it into a casserole baking dish and cover it with shredded Italian cheeses and bake for give or take 30 minutes until all of the cheese is melted)

THEN, on Saturday morning I made these yummies ... waffled cinnamon buns!
You just put the uncooked cinnamon rolls into the waffle maker
Close it and let it cook for about 3 minutes

And there you go!

Waffled cinnamon buns. I made them three ways - some with the traditional white icing, some with a caramel icing, and I topped some with the Smuckers blueberry syrup.
(definitely use cooking spray on the waffle maker. They are sticky little suckers.)

Andrews sister was in town this weekend for a short trip. So they went into the city for a concert on Saturday night.
The kids and I did some baking!
Emma really gets into making cookies. She takes it very seriously. Drew likes to play with the dough and mess up all of Emma's little cookies that she so seriously and carefully places on the cookie sheets. He is such a boy.

She loves to stir the dough. I put all of the ingredients in, use an electric mixer - and then give it to her with a stirring spoon. (yup, they stayed in jammies all day that day... why not?!)

Drew & Aunt Amy

Ok, this was cracking me up. I did not laugh at her, I was actually very proud of her.... but before sticking the cookie sheets in the oven I had to quickly duck away and resize and space out the cookies on the sheet. But, she made these from the dough all by herself:

So cute. (And then you can see towards the bottom right where Drew was swiping them off the pan (his little finger prints smeared in cookie dough) and she was getting so mad at him.

Then he decided he wasn't so into making cookies and went back to street sweeping our kitchen floor.

Before I knew it, as always when we decide to do a project like this, I turn around and both of them have decided they would rather watch a movie, and I'm left with finishing all of the cookies. That's ok though.

I also made a big batch of my (from scratch) chocolate chip cookies, but I wasn't too happy with how they turned out. It was either my new cookie sheets and I need to adjust times or temps for them OR I let the butter get too soft before using it (I think the latter) It's good to soften the butter before using it to bake, but I pulled it out of the fridge and I guess did not take into consideration how much longer it takes to do these things with 4 extra little hands in the mix and it got too soft by the time we had made the first batch. So my chocolate chip cookies spread too much.

Emma had not napped and also has a little cold going on, so she crashed shortly thereafter.

Playing the other day:

Sunday Andrew went to a football game... The kids and I took Amy to the airport... we played with play doh, went over to my parents to visit for a little bit, and went home and got in jammies for what I thought would be an early night. Turned out not to be such an early night after all, because they decided they were not going to go to bed... so we cuddled and watched tv and waited for daddy to come home.

Friday, November 18, 2011

... Enjoy the Little Things...

So... where did I leave off? No surprise, we've been busy! Last weekend Andrew and I had a date night and went out for dinner to one of our favorite Italian spots. Sunday we went to the Bears/Lions game at Soldier field. We had great seats (Row 3 right behind the end zone) - my pictures aren't great, because they were on my phone... but oh well.

Bears Touchdown!!!

Bears running off the field at the half.
It was actually a really good game to watch - they did great.

Soldier Field at night

Soldier Field reflecting on the Harbor

Skyline over Lake Michigan

We had a few follow up appointments for Emma this week. When she was in the hospital she had surgery to have a stint put in and now I want it taken out. They can stay in for a long time, but if it is no longer serving a purpose I would think a foreign object in the body isn't ideal. On Wednesday we went to see her kidney specialist and the surgeon for a consultation. The kidney doctor said schedule the surgery to have it removed and a few weeks after they will run a few tests on her to determine whether any procedures are necessary. We moved on to the urologist/surgeons office and sat there for a good couple of hours before she decided that she didn't want to take it out. I guess her reason made sense... she said since there are still missing pieces to the puzzle as to why Emma got so sick so quickly and she isn't 100% certain that if she removes the stint we won't wind up back in the same situation, in the hospital with her kidneys failing. She doesn't believe that this would be the case, but to be on the safe side.... She indicated that she first wants to wait until after the holidays and she wants to have specialists and surgeons lined up and ready just in case anything happens once she removes the stint. (The stint is currently holding a canal open wider than it naturally would, so she wants to be sure it doesn't close or create blockage when she removes it.) And we are also in agreement with that but we want to make sure if there is something wrong that we aren't just delaying the inevitable. So we are looking at early 2012. Other than that, they were very pleased with her progress and how healthy and energetic she was.
Once all was said and done, we spent the better part of 5 or 6 hours in specialist and surgeons offices on Wednesday. I was home that day but Andrew met us at the first doctor and came with us to the next as well.
She took a little snooze on the way there -

With Daddy

Playing in the wagon while she was waiting for her appointment.

Why I love this time of year....
Is it worth the winters we have to endure though? I haven't decided yet.
We do have beautiful seasons.

I've been looking for new fun ways to make sandwiches for the kids - -
This was Emma's yesterday. Heart sandwiches on a snowman plate. Yeah, I'm that mom.
Andrew thinks I'm crazy.

And, I mentioned in my last entry that I wanted to make these with the kids - and I did.
(Mini Nilla wafers with banana slices in between and rolled in sprinkles.)

and... the example picture -
Nilla wafers + banana slices + peanut butter + sprinkles = bite-sized treat.....change sprinkle colors to match the for Halloween, red and green for Christmas, blue and white for Hanukkah
Ok, so maybe theirs looked better. But I bet they didn't enlist the help of two 2 year olds!

A few pictures of my little man the other morning....

These little munchkins are my whole world.
We are definitely going through a stubborn phase with them, and they are testing their boundaries and learning how to challenge us SO very well... but they are still my everything. My worst day with them is still better than my best day when I'm not with them.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Under Construction...

Bear with me here while this blog is under construction. I'm definitely not the best at getting the layout where it should be, and as always, I started playing with it and don't have time to sit here and figure it out long enough to get it the way I want it. =)

Friday, November 11, 2011

What we've been up to lately....

I have been trying to post this entry all week long. It's been a crazy week. Not the best week ever either, but at the end of the day, I just tell myself that I'm going home to what really matters and it seems to put everything into perspective.
Some pictures from the last week/weekend....

Em & Drew were busy coloring on their art easel. Emma is actually getting really good at staying in the lines when she's coloring in a coloring book - and she can draw perfect circles, a sun, a rainbow, balloons... She's our artistic one. Drew likes to color or do crafts occasionally, (and usually only when Emma is doing it) but he's more of our logical thinker. He likes to take the tires off of all of his little cars and trucks and put them back on, take things apart and put them back together. He LOVES cars and trucks, and likes to build ramps for them and make them drive off of tables and crash. One of his favorite things to do is look at the car section of the newspaper and he tells you exactly what make each car is. It's incredible... for a 2 year old.

Emma pretty much hung out in her sleep sack all day on Saturday. She wouldn't let me take it off. She hates blankets when she sleeps, so this was the only solution to keeping her warm in bed at night. It's a blanket with arm and feet holes. It's pretty funny how opposite they can be. Blankets drive her crazy (especially if they are covering her feet. She has a complete meltdown if her feet are tangled in a blanket.) Drew on the other hand loves his blankets and is absolutely adamant that his feet are covered by the blanket. They're funny.

I am absolutely not an advocate of jumping on the beds. I never let the kids jump on beds. But, I let them this day for some reason.

Saturday night we went to family friends for a get together. The kids had fun playing, the guys watched football on the big movie screen, we ate a lot of good food and had fun.
Drew was totally into the drum set

And Emma & Alanna really enjoyed playing and running around with each other

Both of the girls actually wound up crying when it was time to go home to go to bed. It was cute, but a little sad at the same time.

And then the girls joined Drew on the drums! (Can you even imagine what our ears felt like after a while?!)

Drew sitting on the bear chair.

They both crashed after a night of playing hard.

Emma likes to help make her quesadillas. (The burner is not on. don't worry.) She just puts the shredded cheese on and spreads it around - and then I take over from there.

She would eat a quesadilla or a peanut butter & jelly sandwich for every single meal of her life if you let her. So she does end up having them quite a bit... but we've been able to hide shredded chicken in her quesadillas, I get healthy tortillas and then her pb&j's are on whole wheat with natural peanut butter as much as possible. She's also our fruit eater. She will eat anything from bananas, apples, pears, grapes, blueberries, strawberries.... So that's good.
Drew is willing to try much, much more than our girl. He is more likely to eat meats and veggies.... but his all time, ultimate fave is mac & cheese. So.... I found the veggie pasta mac & cheese that I guess is made out of cauliflower? Something like that. I'll also make a home made macaroni & cheese for him with one of the healthier pastas and real cheese. That Orange powder cheese just kinda grosses me out. We found out recently that he's a really big fan of rotisserie chicken also. I was making a pot of my chicken noodle soup and I had taken all of the chicken off of a rotisserie chicken and cut it all up to prep for making the soup - and by the time I had to actually put it in the soup.... he had eaten about half of it by just walking by the counter and swiping a piece at a time.
They are both good yogurt eaters...
I guess it's just tough feeding toddlers. You constantly worry that they are getting the nutrients (and all of the veggies/fruits/protien/whole grains they need. Although my fall back is that they have vitamins daily, and they actually like the fruit flavored V8 juice, which has veggie & fruit servings in it. I'm also slightly paranoid about getting them used to eating anything terribly unhealthy (this is going to sound horrible and I know it, forgive me) but for their own sake, I don't want them to be chubby little kids. =/
Speaking of yogurt, I've been really good about working on one of my 'health' goals, which is to eat something for breakfast in the morning. (I'm just usually not hungry in the morning, not to mention the lack of time. But I know it's not good to go without eating all day until lunch or dinner or whatever it ends up being.)
I've been pre-making yogurt/berry/granola's and have them ready to go to grab on the way out the door in the morning. (I even put the plastic spoons IN the fridge next to them to make sure there are no additional steps necessary as I'm frantically rushing out the door.)

no fat vanilla yogurt, big bag of frozen berries from Costco (we had them from making smoothies. they are really good for that!) and vanilla almond granola. I sprinkle a little vanilla sugar on top. I also did a few with honey, granola and pumpkin spice.

Check out what else we have been up to this week!!! Woohooo!!!
We are on a roll!!!
So, I came home from work on Monday to find this. Brianne's new approach. I admire her patience... she has tried multiple times to potty train these kids and it just wasn't working (long-term anyway.) Probably because of the inconsistency between her having them and getting on track, and then weekends with us, not being on regular schedule, and a day a week at my parents house with my mom... But anyway, I think it's really working with Drew right now! Emma, has zero interest whatsoever. We have always had the 'potty prize' box with fruit snacks and other small prizes (match box cars, etc...) But now that he can also see his own progress, and he gets excited to put the stickers on the chart.. but don't even think about skipping the potty prize. He will call you out on that. This also holds me accountable because I want to make sure the stickers don't totally stop the second Brianne walks out the door - so it helps me too in a way. And god knows I'm ready for them to be out of diapers, it's just such a challenge. I think Emma has actually made it a little easier for us though, because trying to potty train two kids at the same time is somewhat discouraging (and intimidating to be honest) but approaching it one at a time may be a lot easier on us.

Something I love to do in the fall and winter is make a really good homemade chicken noodle soup.
(I have combined a few different recipes together, after the search for the 'Best' chicken noodle soup recipe... and I also double the amount of 'stuff' that goes in it to make it an actual filling meal.
I prefer to use a rotisserie chicken for this (I rarely use rotisserie chicken but it's just easier for this.)

Slice & dice carrots, celery, onion & garlic - and saute in butter until they start to get a little soft - before adding the chicken stock & broth & all of the seasoning.

Once I add the chicken stock & chicken broth, I add a chicken bullion cube, a packet of the dry chicken noodle soup mix, poultry seasoning, salt & pepper, parsley, thyme, basil and a bay leaf.
I used to use wide egg noodles and recently found these suckers that are the BEST noodles for chicken noodle soup!!! They are like Amish made noodles or something like that. They are really thick.

And then, I put it in all different size containers, for take-to-work soup or at home for lunches, or whatever. It definitely beats Campbell's chicken noodle in a can any day.

I was home today with the munchkins. Drew and I made roads for his cars on construction paper

That's actually a little one compared to what we have done in the past - but I had a conference call I had to jump onto so I whipped it up real quick to keep him occupied for a bit.

For the record - I know I told this story but I want to make sure to keep this one in our notes for a later date. We are sitting down having dinner the other night, and Emma is having her dinner of apples and grapes, because she didn't want whatever else was made...
Andrew: Hey Em, why don't you take a bite of potato, if you don't like it you don't have to have any more.
Emma: No, I don't like it.
Andrew: But you didn't even try!
Emma: (Holding her hand up at him like a stop sign motion) Dad. Listen. To. My. Words. I said no. I don't like it.
It was definitely one of those moments that we both had to just bite our lip and try really really hard not to laugh.

They are definitely at that age... It's really funny to hear them talk, and what they come out with. They both  speak very well for their age.
When Andrew was getting Drew into his jammies the other night before bed, Drew said he had to get out of his work clothes and into his cozies. I liked that one. He also told my mom the other day that she needed to do something with her hair!!

Aren't these cute?! I think the kids and I will be making these:

They are the little Nilla wafers with banana slices in between and rolled in sprinkles. I thought it was a cute idea!